Monday, December 18, 2006

Say something... Anything...

Since when did "Saying Anything" make a difference?

As I understand conversations : When the male protagonist usually says ... "Say something... " he knows exactly what he wants to hear and will willy-nilly drive the conversation to that endgame.

But I wonder if the the same holds true for the Lady???

She says ... " all I want is to hear your voice" and then when I give the run down on my day at work in my most soft voice ... she says "... and .... then..."

...AND THEN WHAT???? "

Be romantic...." How can one BE romantic on demand?

"... Just keep talking .. your voice is so soothing... SOOTHING??? Now that is not being helpful... We need a direction to talk... we need objective and strategy... conversation is not NOT meant to be aimless meandering conversation with no endgame...

So when someone ... Anyone says ..."... say something... anything..." what does it mean???

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